Start With the Calendar

There are two calendars below, one for daytime sessions and one for twilight.  We can do 3 sessions during daytime hours starting at 9am with the last session starting by about 3:30 pm depending on the season (with shorter days in winter we start session earlier to allow enough time with sunlight. Session length varies depending on the size of the home and the types of media we are creating.  Luxury homes usually take more time due to the number of detail shots available so please plan accordingly.

Twilight Sessions start about 2 hours before twilight depending on the house size, orientation and which types of media we are creating during the session.  

For very large properties, properties more than 1.5 hours from Austin or special circumstances, please contact us to make sure we can capture all that you were hoping to get in the amount of time available.  

Daytime Calendar

Twilight Calendar