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Prepare Well, Move Soon
James Bruce
1. Clean is super important. Cameras see what is there. If it’s not there the camera and your potential buyer won’t see it. We won’t usually see dust or baseboard dirt or carpet dirt in photos, but here are some areas that stick out that people sometimes overlook.
2. DE-Personalize! Staging a home for sale is not a time for decoration, but as one of the best stagers I work with says, it is about de-decorating and de-personalizing.
Take out one more piece of furniture. I have seldom seen a home that had too little furniture in it. If I could choose one item that should go, it is a large TV cabinet in a master bedroom. That TV cabinet is tough to shoot around, and no matter how large the master bedroom, it can make it look smaller. Imagine the space without the cabinet. If moving that cabinet or getting rid of it altogether makes the room seem a lot bigger, take it out.
3. Paint. Whether you repaint a wall, a room or the whole house is up to you and your realtor.
4. Curb Appeal
5. Lighting
6. Hide all trash cans, inside and outside.
7. Remove animal feeding bowls and scratching posts.
8. The Pool. Make an appointment with the pool guy if you have one. Have the pool serviced, lights checked and inspect the pool to verify that all parts are in working order. This is really important for night shoots where the pool lights are a major star.
9. Get rid of items that are in disrepair, like broken yard toys or grills that do not work.